Does Your Company Have A Preventative Care Management Program?

Are you aware of the significant incentives offered by the Federal Government to encourage companies to implement preventive care management or "wellness" programs, ultimately aimed at reducing healthcare expenditures?

Is your company interested in exploring how you can leverage these incentives to establish a cutting-edge, all-encompassing wellness initiative for your employees?

Perhaps it would astonish you to discover that these incentives can enable you to furnish wellness perks without incurring any expenses, neither for you nor your employees.

Moreover, would it be a revelation to realize that you can utilize these incentives not only to enhance wellness benefits but also to extend additional insurance or retirement perks to your employees, again at no cost to you or them?

A Compliant Wellness Plan Can Provide Your Employees With: 

A well designed wellness program is a collection of benefits that you and your family can use with no copays or other costs. It is a comprehensive approach to ensure that you receive a well-rounded experience for your physical and mental health. These benefits can be accessed 24/7 using your laptop, tablet, or phone.

  • Personalized Health Assessments
  • Mental Health Counseling Services with No Co-Pay
  • Tele Medicine with No Co-Pay to reduce Emergency Room Visits
  • Physical Fitness Programs and Personal Trainers
  • Stress Management Programs
  • Diet and Weight Management Programs
  • Substance Abuse Programs

Let us show you how it works and how your company can provide these unique benefits to your employees.  

Schedule Your No Obligation Consultation Here